Organized by the U.S. Embassy and the American Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Panama, Steve Rothberg, a Founding Partner of Mercator International, attended the forum “Panama: Expanding Opportunities”, covering a wide range of business and economic topics that will take place as a consequence of the Panama Canal expansion.

Many consumers, shippers, carriers, ports, industries, and other organizations have relied on the efficient movement of goods through the Panama Canal for more than 100 years—a critical artery for international trade. The third set of locks doubles the Canal’s capacity and along with recent developments in ocean trade routes are expected to directly impact economies of scale, maritime trade, and the land-side infrastructure of key ports.

The tolls charged by the Panama Canal Authority, the location of production facilities with respect to consumption centers, vessel services, and specific economies will influence the ultimate impact from the third set of locks on global logistics. Once larger freighters start capitalizing on the benefits from the third set of locks, transportation will be less expensive for companies and for consumers of commodities and products relying on the expanded canal.

Mercator has advised the Panama Canal Authority on anticipating short- and long-term trade volume prospects for Pacific Panamanian Ports and other assignments.

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